
About Gateway GI Research

Gateway GI Research is an integrated research provider where we conduct clinical research trials in digestive diseases such as NASH, also known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and colorectal cancer screenings.

Partnered with ObjectiveHealth and Gateway Gastroenterology, our research center proudly offers the best possible care to you and your family in the St. Louis and Chesterfield areas of Missouri.
Why is Gateway GI Research calling me?
Gateway GI Research is an affiliate of Gateway Gastroenterology. The research coordinators are calling you because you may be eligible for clinical trials to evaluate new treatment modalities.

What is a clinical trial?
A clinical trial is a study that finds out if a treatment can improve patients’ health. A treatment can be a drug, a medical device, or a medical procedure.

Do I have to participate?
No, participating in research is entirely voluntary. You may be research eligible but the final decision to be involved is entirely up to you.

Why should I participate?
Clinical trials are needed to advance medical care and clinical trial volunteers are vital in this process. Volunteers choose to participate for many reasons—the chance to play a more active role in their own care, gain access to new treatment options, and help others by contributing to the future of medical science.

If I agree to participate, can I stop at any time?
Yes, clinical trial volunteers have the right to change their minds at any time even after they have started.

Will my insurance cover research medications and treatments?
No, because your insurance will not be billed. In fact, volunteers may receive compensation for their time and travel. The research team will clearly outline any compensation that will be provided during the informed consent process.

Are there risks in clinical trials?
Yes, risks will be explained to potential volunteers and time will be given to answer your questions and concerns. The “type of harm” that might result from being a volunteer and the “likelihood” of harm happening will be shared.

Where do the clinical trials take place?
Gateway GI Research is located at 12855 N. Forty Drive, Suite 295 St. Louis, MO. 63141. If you need detailed directions, you may find detailed instructions at: 636-214-5291 https://objective.health/location/gateway-gi-research/